
Software Architect
35 years of experience designing and building software systems!


- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Playful PlatypusMarch 2018 - PresentOwner / Principal Developer
Supporting clients with full-service mobile app development, specializing in full-stack web development with TypeScript, Remix, React and NodeJS.
Continuing to build web-based educational software for children with autism and other disabilities.
- Covenant EyesJune 2015 - March 2018Software Engineer
Full-stack web/mobile developer on the Covenant Eyes Version 2 team, where I developed a cross-platform app with web technologies, specifically Javascript, Quasar/Vue, Node and MariaDB. Wrote the iOS host for the app in Swift. Implemented the Stripe-based payment system, including both front-end, API and database work.
Designed and then developed a NodeJS-based back-end server for the iOS app to handle push notifications and update functionality. Wrote the client for the server in Swift.
iOS Developer. Together with two other developers, completely re-wrote Covenant Eye’s flagship iOS browser in Swift. Considerable experience in user interface development, Interface Builder, and Autolayout. Integrated a VPN network extension written in C++ into the iOS browser.
- Autonomous SolutionsApril 2013 - June 2015Software Engineer
Developer on the Mobius team, ASI’s flagship robotic command and control software product built in C#/WPF. ASI’s mobile and web architect.
Primary developer for a location-centric Windows Phone mobile application, and architected the adaptation of ASI’s existing C# code into portable libraries for consumption in the Windows Phone app.
Functional manager for User Interface team at ASI.
- Playful PlatypusApril 2011 - April 2013Owner / Principal Developer
Developed TractorMath - an iPad/iPhone math game, targeted at autistic kids, as well as visual and early learners. TractorMath was developed in Objective-C with the Cocos2d game engine, and went on sale in the Apple App Store in November 2012. Did all the programming, as well as some of the artwork and animation for the game. Built an asset processing pipeline to convert Adobe Illustrator artwork and Flash animation into an iOS/Cocos2d-friendly format.
Developed a Unity3D simulation for SimWright Inc, to demonstrate a remote therapy scenario for military amputees. Interfaced the Microsoft Kinect with the simulation to allow the patient to drive an in-game avatar with body movement. Also integrated Arduino-based sensors with the game.
- Lockheed MartinMarch 2008 - April 2011Staff Software Engineer
Architect and lead developer for TacForge Deployable, Lockheed Martin’s 3D terrain database editor. TacForge Deployable loaded existing terrain databases and allowed even novice users to stand up geo-specific 3D building models, right inside the 3D viewer. This application was written in C#, C++/CLI and native C++, and used WPF for the GUI, and OpenSceneGraph for the 3D rendered view.
Co-architect of and developer of Lockheed Martin’s Rosetta™ Terrain Data Abstraction Library. This capability, which Lockheed Martin has labeled as strategic intellectual property, allows multiple formats of terrain imagery, elevation data, and vector feature data to be loaded into data manipulation and visualization tools through a standard, format-agnostic interface. Implemented a major Rosetta plugin to allow visualizers to load CIB/CADRG satellite imagery data through the Rosetta interface. Designed a RESTful interface to Lockheed’s imagery tools. Was named 2011 Co-inventor of the Year for Lockheed Martin for work on TacForge Enterprise and the Rosetta library.
- SimWrightApril 1997 - January 2008Co-founder / Principal Software Engineer
Architect and lead developer for CityClickTM, a stereo imagery feature extraction product. CityClickTM allowed the rapid creation of large numbers of OpenFlightTM 3D buildings in urban scenes directly from aerial or satellite imagery. The buildings were textured in a representative manner, but matched the exact geographic footprints of the real buildings on the terrain. This application was designed to work closely with terrain database production systems, enabling the rapid construction of geo-typical urban areas for terrain databases.
Re-wrote SnowWorld, and ported it to the PC platform. SnowWorld was a virtual reality game for burn patients originally developed by MultiGen-Paradigm Inc and the University of Washington. In addition to rewriting the game in C++, also added a game engine, realistic weapons, score keeping, animated snowmen, ice turrets, and robots. Also developed all additional artwork, sounds and 3D models for the upgrade.
Principal Architect and Lead Software Engineer on SimWright’s Vega Vehicle Object software product. This product allowed the user to interactively attach weapons, turrets, special effects and other objects to a vehicle, import behavior such as weapon simulations and flight dynamics from separately loaded libraries, and write and attach this behavior to vehicle events and actions.
- Applied Data Technology Inc.December 1995 - April 1997Lead Software Engineer
Lead software engineer on a major Internal Research and Development effort to develop a visual simulation toolset and a commercial off-the-shelf battlefield visualizer.
- TASCJune 1992 - December 1995Member of the Technical Staff
Technical lead on a major Visual Simulation/ Distributed Interactive Simulation effort involving the real-time insertion of live aircraft into a virtual battlefield. Supervised the building of several large (100 x 180 mile) geo- specific, 3-D terrain databases (in 1994/1995) using LANDSAT imagery and MultiGen. This effort represented the first successful attempt to insert live entities from a real, unconstrained military exercise into the virtual battlefield. Published and presented this project at a major industry conference.
Project leader on a three person software development effort for the Air Force Joint Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception (JCCD) Program Office at Eglin AFB. This software was developed to support Air Force tests in which cockpit video tapes from operational Air Force aircraft were digitized, correlated to known ground truth, and the ranges of important flight profile events were scored to determine effectiveness of the techniques.
- USAF / Armament Division Rail Gun FacilityMay 1991 - May 1992Computer Engineer
Developed software to provide a direct data link between CAMAC Digitizers and VAX 8650. Wrote C++ code to interface with CAMAC crates, GPIB, ETHERNET, PCs, and a VAX.
- USAF / Sensor Fused Weapon ProgramMay 1990 - May 1991Sensor Engineer
Responsible for all infrared threat target signature analysis for the second largest program on Eglin AFB.
- USAF / Armament Division - Engineering DirectorateMay 1987 - May 1990Computer Engineer
Developed PC-based data reduction and analysis software for infrared signature data using C. Reversed-engineered a data format whose structure was unavailable and developed software to reduce and analyze this data in the field during captive sensor flight tests. This software reduced data from a 9-track tape drive onto the PC, included color screen displays, a custom-built DOS-based graphical windowing system, 2-D laser printer grayscale plots, and 3-D contour plots on both the screen and the laser printer.